Hello everyone, sorry for the lack of posts recently. It's the start of a new month and it's already been busy for me. With applying for university, christmas, sixth form and A-Level work it's been a little bit stressful and unfortunately i've had little time to sit down and put together a blog post. Anyway, I thought i'd share with you what I got up to today. Today I visited Lincoln Christmas market and it's helped me get into the festive spirit even more. The market was at the top of steep hill (and yes it really is as steep as it sounds) which was situated next to the castle and cathedral which made it quite atmospheric. The city really felt alive, there was so many people it was quite difficult to move from stall to stall and photograph parts of the market without getting random people in the shot, I tried my best!
I also decided to treat myself to some roasted chestnuts, which i've been craving all year and to me they are one of the best bits of the festive season. As I was walking through the market I was surrounded by an array of smells, which I felt depicted and encapsulated Christmas itself. The smell of mulled wine mixed with cinnamon, hot chocolate and roasted chestnuts filled the air. Every corner you turned was stringed with lights and buntings, which made it fun to explore all of the side streets which we would never have gone down if it wasn't for the market. I really enjoyed exploring the city more and even though I come here quite often as it is the largest city near to where I live, it was nice to see different aspects of the city. Although I didn't buy anything it was a great day out and I feel as if Christmas has truly arrived.
Charlotte xx
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