Friday, 31 May 2013


Last night I decided to dig my watercolours and fine liner pens out and just experiment, it's been a while since i've sat down and drawn (well more like doodled) and I kind of miss it. At GCSE I did Art and it was my favorite subject, but now at A-level I don't do it unfortunately. The 4 subjects I'd chosen gave me no choice to pick art and I would have been en more overloaded with work if I'd chosen it.

I have sketchbooks upon sketch books of just random doodles but I'm too sentimental to throw them away? do you keep all of your old sketches and doodles or is it just me? If you're doing A-levels id love to know what subjects you're doing.

Charlotte xx

You can find me on:



  1. pretty drawings :)

  2. this looks like a lot of fun!

    Check out my beauty blog:

  3. cute drawing! love all the photos too. :)

  4. What did you take at A Level and do you regret not taking art? because I've just finished GCSE and cannot decide whether to take art or drama? Your drawing looks so cute btw!

    1. I took Geography, Product Design/Graphics, Business Studies and English Language and Literature :) and in a way I kind of do but the subjects I chose will help me with the career I want to do more if that makes sense. A few of my friends took art and they said it's a very work intensive subject and takes a lot of time up (even more than at gcse aah) so they couldn't spend as much as time on their other subjects. It's up to you really, if it fits around your other subjects I'd go for it :) x

  5. I have around ten in my shelf..I love buying sketchbooks and then leaving them blank. The others I did throw away, i tore out the little pieces of art i did like and stuck them to my newer sketchbooks....

    Oh yes, they're a mess right now! :)

    - Che

  6. I do keep them all!! And love them - these photos are inspiring me!
    Join our $150 dress giveaway!

  7. Absolutely gorgeous blog! I love your use of photography...happy to be your newest follower and look forward to future posts!

    1. Thank you so much, I'm very happy to be your new follower too and I can't wait for your future posts :) x

  8. I'd really love to get into watercolouring! I'm not the best at art but I think if I stick to simple things I might be okay.
    You make the simplest things look so beautiful, you're are really talented. X


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